Conscious Leaders, Real Results

Learn Mindfully’s coaching programs has enabled leaders to meet their deepest personal and professional goals. From securing promotions and raises to improving relationships with managers and peers.

Learn Mindfully coaching clients have reported:


promoted during their coaching partnership


improved relationships with managers and peers

What clients are saying

Before working with Roberta, I found networking daunting and battled feelings of imposter syndrome.

Since our work together, my perspective has completely transformed. I now have a clear vision for my career, focusing on connection, flexibility, and being part of a team that makes a true impact. I approach each interview with confidence, knowing exactly what I want.

Our coaching sessions had a huge impact on how I approached interviewing, networking, and aligning a potential opportunity to my goals. My preparation for interviews has been so intentional. I’ve had such great clarity in every conversation I’ve had. I just landed a new role based on the support Roberta provided!

– Riley, Client Partner Director

When I first met with Roberta, my mind and my ideas were all over the place.

Roberta patiently talked me through my desire to transition out of academia and helped get me on a path with specific steps to take toward my goal.

She was also able to connect me with meaningful contacts so that I could properly explore my options outside of academia. It’s been a great, collaborative experience for which I am extremely grateful!

– Serena, Site Manager

I knew I wanted a trusted advisor to help me transition smoothly into managing a team for the first time.

I chose to work with Roberta because of her extensive experience in leadership coaching and her background in UX research, which aligned perfectly with my role.

And I’m so grateful because I have grown into a confident and self-aware leader, equipped with the tools to thrive as a manager, empowering my team while staying true to my values.

– Lawton, Research Consultant

Before working with Roberta, I struggled with imposter syndrome and communicating effectively about myself.

Her empathetic and intentional approach helped me navigate the challenges and uncertainty of the job market with confidence. She was there with me from the layoff call to the offer letter and beyond; our conversations helped me to solidify my desire to forge ahead in this industry and carve my own career path that honors my unique “why”.

I just started a new position and I certainly could not have done this without her help.

– Aiden, Research and Brand Consultant

Before working with Roberta, I struggled with imposter syndrome and being overly anxious about my work performance.

In our work together, I discovered that I have a tendency to look at most professional situations with the expectation that the worst case scenario will occur, rather than opening myself up to the possibility of neutral or positive outcomes.

After working with her, I have adopted a more varied way of thinking. I now stop and brainstorm all of the possibilities – the good, the neutral, and the ugly. It’s improved my confidence when taking on new opportunities or challenges, and has made my day-to-day at work more enjoyable.

I’ve grown a lot professionally in the last couple of years we’ve worked together, I’ve gotten 2 promotions and salary increases, and I have Roberta to thank for that!

– Morgan, Lead Researcher

The fact that Roberta is woman of color AND a user research leader mattered a lot to me.

I knew that she would implicitly understand my experiences at work. Roberta asked the right questions, listened to what I said, and listened as well to what I left unsaid — opening up my perspective to help me better reflect on my own career.

– Felice, Principal Researcher

My time with Roberta was a real transformative process!

I was able to identify my strengths and the things that give me joy and energy at work. I immediately applied it to the job search.

It helped me connect all the dots and make sense of important things that were up in the air so I could move forward and make confident decisions – AND THATS HUGE! I just landed my dream job and even negotiated a 20% salary increase!

– Tiago, Research Consultant

Working with Roberta has been an anchor point for me as I navigate transitioning from teaching into a new career to user research.

I’m continuing to apply what I’m learning and through our work, I’ve accessed my own guidance to redefine what success means to me.

She’s very focused on whole self, we can talk about my life as a whole and the professional experiences and choices I’ve made. It’s been a really great investment that I made in myself. I leave each session feeling seen, heard, and with an abundance of gratitude for the space Roberta is able to hold.

– Elizabeth, Senior Researcher

I was laid off earlier this year and found myself directionless.

Roberta helped me to rediscover my direction, steered by my own inner values. I’m now on a path that energizes me: independent work.

Roberta has a high level of tech and design industry knowledge, paired with a unique caring for her clients as whole humans. I would highly recommend her for anyone who is looking for more meaning and direction in their career.

– Sydney, Design Consultant

Roberta is a supportive coach who helped me while going through a layoff.

I appreciated Roberta’s holistic approach and encouragement to keep me thinking confidently and helped me to keep balanced.

She had structured exercises that I did before and after our sessions, to keep us organized and to help me formulate my thoughts for us to have a productive session!

– Meaghan, Senior Product Manager

I would not believe that it is possible to be in the market for just 3 months and land a great job!

At first, I was getting a lot of rejections, after I met with Roberta, she did a walkthrough of my strengths and advised me to focus on applying to jobs with companies that would value my strengths and experience.

I landed a Senior UXR role in a leading edtech company. One thing you will enjoy from Roberta is her candor and valuable feedback.

– Samuel, Senior Researcher

Before working with Roberta, I struggled with setting appropriate goals and communicating them effectively.

I had just transitioned out of academia, and my frameworks and timelines were in desperate need of updating. In our work together, I discovered strategies and exercises that I could implement right away to shift my mental models, adjust to my new environment, and redefine what ’success’ might mean and look like. After working with her I am more comfortable advocating for myself, expressing my career goals, and I have a clearer picture of what the future might hold for me.

– Jacques, Senior Researcher

Roberta has been instrumental in helping me clarify my goals and aspirations.

I’ve been exploring pivoting and exploring different opportunities. I appreciate how she takes the time to get to know me as an individual and tailors her approach to my unique needs.

She has created safe spaces for me to reflect deeply and use my personal values as a career compass. Working with Roberta has been a transformative experience! I would highly recommend her to anyone wanting to engage in a holistic approach to coaching.

– Bianca, Senior Researcher

I feel like in the short time we spent together, I grew 10X.

I clearly saw the path towards the leader that I wanted to become. Roberta’s insightful and embodied coaching style has helped me become a better leader, and a better human

– Michael, Content Director

Working with Roberta has been transformative!

Her guidance on addressing my inner critic boosted my confidence. Learning to recognize and transform that negative voice into a more positive and empowering one has been liberating. It has allowed me to navigate challenges and setbacks with resilience and self-compassion, fostering a healthier mindset and boosting my confidence.

I cannot recommend Roberta’s coaching enough. Her expertise, compassion, and thoughtful approach have empowered me to grow in ways I never thought possible. If you’re seeking a coach who can guide you to uncover your values, harness your inner strength, and embrace mindfulness, Roberta is the perfect choice.

– Nathalia, Senior Designer

Roberta is the coach everyone wishes they had!

Her expertise is rooted in deep training and real-world application, and she is incredible at meeting other people where they are, conveying concepts and information in a way that makes sense. She also has a wonderful, inspiring way of bringing mindfulness into her practice – something that helped me shed the stress of what I was trying to achieve, and focus on achieving it.

– Carolina, Senior Designer